⚖️Case Study: PayPal’s co-founder and litigation finance

In 2018, PayPal’s billionaire co-founder Peter Thiel was put in the limelight when he was supporting Hulk Hogan in his case against Gawker, a magazine that used to publish all the things that were the trend those days. Gawker had put an explicit video of Hulk without his permission on their website.

When Hulk’s lawyers asked them to remove the video, they denied it. But Hulk was broke at that time as he had recently gone through a divorce, so he did not have any funds to file the lawsuit.

Peter Thiel offered to help Hulk and supported him during the course of the case. Peter and Gawker were not on good terms, hence, he decided to fund the latter's opposition.

After a whole lot of hearings and court sessions, the decision was made in favor of Hulk Hogan. He claimed a big chunk of money from Gawker and there is a high probability that Peter might have asked for some part of the compensation.

Since then, Peter has been coming and going from the headlines for funding poor people’s lawsuits. He is a law student himself and knows how to grow his money by making clever financial decisions.

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