🎼Music copyrights v/s Music royalties

When an artist creates a song, it gets protected by copyright laws. Out of the many types of music royalties that might be associated with a song, each of the royalties depends on the kind of copyright it falls under.

There are two types of copyrights usually associated with music:

The first is for the authorized use of the composition and the second is for the licensed use of the recording.

  • Song composition copyright - It is implemented on the harmony, melody, and lyrics of a song. Whenever an authentic musical work is committed to a tangible medium - whether it's a notepad, sheet music, or even a single tweet, song composition copyright comes into play.

  • Song recording copyright - It is also known as β€œMaster”. When a composition gets its expression and is owned by recording artists and their record labels it comes under Master. It is implemented on the final recording of the song.

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